Construction & Renovation - Phase 1

Stage Expansion and Equipment

Expansion of the stagehouse and dressing room areas to meet modern performance standards. New stage lighting, audio & counter weight rigging systems. New loading dock and equipment elevator.

Renovation to the Civic Theatre

Replacement and upgrading of all electrical, plumbing & HVAC systems. New roofing and re-pointing of exterior masonry.

Restroom Addition, Elevator, New Lobby

North side addition tripling the number of existing facilities. Increased lobby space. Addition of elevator to provide access to first and second floor and the balcony. Existing restrooms eliminated and replaced with a large lobby and concession area.

Interior Restorations

Restoration of the decorative plaster and a complete repainting of the auditorium, mezzanine, and promenade areas. Installation of decorative foliage and doves. Restoration of the "sunrise, sunset” effect and enhancement of the stars and clouds.

Scaffolding enveloped the Civic Theatre's auditorium as the renovations progressed toward the grand reopening in the fall of 2002.